Transform From Narcissistic Defense Mechanisms to Authentic Living in 8 Weeks ....... Even If You've Struggled for Years

Join the Only Narcissism Recovery Program Created by Someone

Who's Actually Done It - From 11 Years of Struggle to Complete Recovery

"Tired of pushing people away?"

"Exhausted from maintaining a false self?"

"Scared of being vulnerable?"

"Struggling with relationships?"

WEEK 1: Discover Your Path to Authentic Living

Transform... From: Feeling hopeless and stuck in narcissistic patterns

To: Having a clear roadmap to recovery and hope for the future

Success Story: "After years of failed therapy, Week 1 finally helped me understand

why I act the way I do. For the first time, I have hope that I can actually change." - Jennifer T.

INCLUDES: ✓ 90-minute core training video ✓ Narcissism origin story worksheet

✓ Daily implementation guide ✓ Private community support

BY THE END OF THIS WEEK: You'll understand exactly why you developed narcissistic patterns and have a clear path to change them.

WEEK 2: Master Your Inner Dialogue

Transform ... From: Trapped in defensive reactions and toxic self-talk

To: Responding calmly and maintaining healthy self-worth

Success Story: "I used to either feel superior or worthless. Now I can catch those

thoughts and stay balanced. My relationships have completely changed." - David M.

INCLUDES: ✓ 90-minute core training video ✓ Thought-catching worksheet

✓ Self-talk transformation guide ✓ Private community support

BY THE END OF THIS WEEK: You'll have practical tools to manage your inner dialogue and stay emotionally regulated.

WEEK 4: Understand Your Unique Narcissism Type

Transform ... From: Using generic advice that doesn't work

To: Having a personalized recovery strategy

Success Story: "Understanding I was a covert narcissist changed

everything. Finally, advice that actually works for me." - Thomas W.

INCLUDES: ✓ 90-minute core training video ✓ Narcissism type assessment

✓ Personalized strategy guide ✓ Private community support

WEEK 5: Transform Your Relationships

Transform ... From: Pushing people away and feeling alone

To: Building deep, lasting connections

Success Story: "I finally apologized to my partner without defending

myself. The look on their face - I'll never forget it." - Sarah L.

INCLUDES: ✓ 90-minute core training video ✓ Relationship repair toolkit

✓ Apology framework guide ✓ Private community support

WEEK 6: Develop Your Authentic Self

Transform ... From: Living behind a mask

To: Being comfortably yourself

Success Story: "For the first time in my life, I feel like I

know who I really am. The relief is incredible." - Mark P.

INCLUDES: ✓ 90-minute core training video ✓ Authentic self discovery guide

✓ Boundary setting workbook ✓ Private community support

WEEK 7: Master Your Emotions

Transform ... From: Emotional numbness or overwhelming feelings

To: Healthy emotional awareness and expression

Success Story: ""I cried for the first time in years - and

it felt good. I'm finally feeling things again." - Jessica R.

INCLUDES: ✓ 90-minute core training video ✓ Emotion tracking journal

✓ Regulation techniques guide ✓ Private community support

WEEK 8: Create Your Sustainable Future

Transform ... From: Fearing relapse into old patterns

To: Confidently maintaining your progress

Success Story: ""I feel equipped to handle whatever comes

my way. This isn't just change - it's transformation." - Michael B.

INCLUDES: ✓ 90-minute core training video ✓ Maintenance plan template

✓ Progress protection guide ✓ Lifetime community access

How did I learn I was a narcissist?

It was 1987. I had been married for a year and my husband, Danny, pointed a few things out to me:

  • I was self-righteous and had never admitted a single mistake during our entire first year of marriage.

  • I had never apologized once even though he had shared all along what I was doing that was hurtful to him.

  • I turned everything around and accused him of the very things he was trying to talk to me about (massively defensive, gaslit him, projected things I was doing onto him).

The scary thing was that I was in graduate school to become a therapist! I got the help that I needed, and I am no longer a narcissist. I am so thankful that Danny didn’t read all of the hopeless misinformation when I was spending time working on my own narcissism. We have now been married for 38 years and Danny says he is one of the happiest married people that he knows, and we have many friends with very healthy, solid marriages so that is saying a lot!

I have spent the last few decades as a psychotherapist helping narcissists and their spouses and partners after healing from my own covert narcissism. Narcissism has always been treatable. There is a ton of misinformation online about narcissism. Narcissists are being combined with psychopaths and sociopaths, and they are VERY DIFFERENT. The bottom line is that anyone who wants to can make significant changes which will improve their own lives and their relationships. I will share with you what it takes to heal from narcissism, and I will give you some quick tips of things you need to start doing and stop doing immediately to help your relationships improve. You will receive one video a week for 8 weeks. There will also be a Facebook group, and you can contact me if you get stuck.

Cost: $500.00 or 3 Monthly Payments of $165.00

About Me

I received my license as a Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) in 1990. I was the Director, Clinical Supervisor, and a Staff Therapist with the Meier Clinics (formerly Minirth-Meier/ New Life Clinics) until the office was converted into a private practice in January, 2007. I have also adored working with Aged Out Foster Youth at Compassion Planet since 2013. I have been married since 1986. I have 3 adult children and 4 grandchildren.

What Others Are Saying....

Lisa has helped me to understand my narcissism with gentleness and compassion. She has helped me to really understand why I started using these defense mechanisms to begin with. She truly understands this subject matter from the inside out, and I am now much healthier in my relationships.” RK

"I consulted Lisa after reading You Might Be A Narcissist If… which helped me and my wife understand my narcissism. I then had monthly educational phone consultations with Lisa for two years. It decreased my shame talking to Lisa because she had acted out in the same ways in her own marriage. Lisa’s authenticity in being able to frankly describe her previous experience as a narcissist gave me words for my experiences which helped me tremendously." MJ

"Lisa excels at listening, assessing, and responding with compassion and insight so that we all can take an honest look inside ourselves at our own character defects. She gives very practical and helpful advice with the steps to get us unstuck in our relationships and in our lives." ER

Email: or text (585)774-4866

Lisa Charlebois, L.C.S.W. License # LCS15125

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